“Your Passion, Your Career” wаs develоped аs а tооl fоr yоung people tоcоme оut оf their comfort zone, leave behind the quarantine months,connect, develоp better cоmmunicаtiоn skills аnd shаre their experience, tоmаke themselves, reаdy fоr new challenges in theirs lives (careerorientation, decision making, communication etc). It intends to be a placewhere young people can express themselves about what’s their passion,what is the dream career of their life and take a step forward to move fromall negative quarantine effects as alienation and abuse of social media.
– To increase the self-esteem and confidence of young people through
interpersonal communication exercises;
– to explore different forms of arts (acting, photo, video, drawing) in order to
promote themselves and their life obstacles;
– offer methodologies and guidance for career or studies orientation, in
order young people, can take a more conscious choice about their future;
– help them to understand their strengths, skills and passions and use them
to overcome obstacles;
– to address situations of exclusion through non-formal education, role-play
and games;
– make them feel part of a local and European community, we will create a
safe environment to help them to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts
and supported by all the group;
– they will learn new skills and methodologies that they will be able to
transfer to other young people once they will come back to their local
– trough the multiplier effect, create new projects with and ideas to help
them support other young people and the local community, in general, to
make and support them.
– Improve good practices and examples to feel less lost, be more active in
the private choices and with community actions.