Training Course «Sail With Social EntrepreneurSHIP» – 04/04/2022 – 10/04/2022 – Thessaloniki, Greece

Training Course «Sail With Social EntrepreneurSHIP» – 04/04/2022 – 10/04/2022 – Thessaloniki, Greece
Thessaloniki, Greece
04 Απριλίου-10 Απριλίου 2022
2 άτομα 18+
Κόστος Μετακίνησης
καλύπτονται έως 275€
Διαμονή και Διατροφή 100%
Sail with Social EntrepreneurSHIP” (SSESHIP) is a unique initiative of Infinity Greece Social Cooperative and partner organisations. Social entrepreneurship (S.E.) is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems. A social entrepreneur is a person who pursues novel applications that have the potential to solve community-based problems. These individuals are willing to take on the risk and effort to create positive changes in society through their initiatives. The project aims at supporting participants by reinforcing their managerial skills, creativity and networking opportunities and making them gain a better understanding of the value-creation dimension of social enterprises in relations with the values of youth work. The planned activities and working methods have been selected based to the principles of non formal learning. Therefore they are highly participative, cooperative and self reflective. Several learning opportunities have been predicted and designed and surely incalculable others will occur through interaction, co-existence and cooperation. “Sail” will provide introduction of key actors on the way of success, with 3 elements, how to produce long-live idea, how to conduct research about it and how to use networking for its successful implementation.
Οργανισμός Υποδοχής
InfinityGreece (Greece)
Κόστος Συμμετοχής
30€ για τον οργανισμό υποδοχής “InfinityGreece” (δωρεάν για τα ενεργά μέλη και τους εθελοντές του οργανισμού)
Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2022 (23:59)

Δήλωσε Συμμετοχή

Οι συμμετέχοντες καλούνται να παρακολουθήσουν το πρόγραμμα στο σύνολο του καθώς και να υλοποιήσουν δράση στα πλαίσια της διάδοσης των αποτελεσμάτων.