1. To build the competencies of 23 youth workers from 7 countries to identify and tackle gender stereotypes andprejudices in the media and promote gender-sensitive media content through Design Thinking (DT) methodology.
2. Raising awareness, engagement and critical thinking towards the portrayal of men and women in the media among7 organizations from Europe by using different non formal education methods.
3. To raise awareness of the importance of gender equality in the media through an awareness campaign developedthrough DT and reaching at least 1400 people from 7 countries, including media professionals, civil society and thegeneral public.
Youth workers will build competences to tackle gender inequality and promote gender sensitive media content.Through the training activity (combined with the preparation before and the practical phase following it), they willgain knowledge about gender equality issues and how to work on gender equality issues with young people, with afocus on representation in the media and increasing critical thinking among young people. They will learn to identifygender stereotypes and prejudices and increase their critical thinking through analysing media content from a genderperspective.
They will also build competences in developing and implementing awareness raising campaigns andactivities on gender equality, including through innovative non-formal educational methodologies and especiallytargeting young people that face gender-based violence & discrimination. This will equip them to improve the qualityof their work with young people by using new methods of facilitating group processes to involve young people intackling gender inequality.On top of the YouthPass Certificate, in order to recognize the youth worker’s achievements, we will also use digitalOpen Badges, an innovative tool to recognise learning achievements, adjusted to the context of youth work.