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Training Course «Learn To Deliver A High-Quality Digital Experience To Young People» – 14/12/2022 – 19/12/2022 – Krusevo, North Macedonia

Training Course «Learn To Deliver A High-Quality Digital Experience To Young People» – 14/12/2022 – 19/12/2022 – Krusevo, North Macedonia
Krusevo, North Macedonia
14 Δεκεμβρίου– 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2022
3 άτομα 18+
Κόστος Μετακίνησης
καλύπτονται έως 180€
Διαμονή και Διατροφή 100%
Youth Alliance Krusevo [YAK] in 2021/2022 as an accredited Erasmus Organization by the National Agency forEuropean Educational Programmes and Mobility of Republic of North Macedonia, we get the chance toimplement the Training Course ‘Learn to Deliver a High-Quality Digital Experience to Young People’ Main goalof ‘YAK’ within our strategy is to support young people to build their skills and capacities for the usage of thedigital tools and digital platforms to enhance the youth position and to make the young voices visible andheard .The Erasmus + accreditation will provide ‘YAK’ the opportunity to integrate Erasmus + supported activities intothe organization’s long-term planning and fully use the opportunities that the Programme.With the goal to increase capacities of ‘YAK’ (stuff, youth workers, trainers, young people involved inorganization’s activities, volunteers) essential to deliver quality activities in the key areas of the work: usingdigital tools and digital content for making young voices heard.This training course will take place from 14th till 19th of December, in Krusevo, North Macedonia and includesfour partnerships organizations representing four different countries: Greece, Serbia, Croatia Czech Republicas well as North Macedonia. The goal of this training course is young people, participants, to activelycontribute for development of digital content and platform focusing youth information, engagement, trainingand networking in order to actively involve them in the society. Focusing on capacity building, preparingyoung people on how to create digital content such as videos, podcasts and other different digital productsand how to promote and disseminate the products to diverse digital platforms.
Οργανισμός Υποδοχής
Youth Alliance Krusevo (North Macedonia)
Κόστος Συμμετοχής
40€ για τον sending organization “InfinityGreece” (δωρεάν για τα ενεργά μέλη και τους εθελοντές του οργανισμού)
Δευτέρα 28 Νοεμβρίου 2022 (23:59)

Δήλωσε Συμμετοχή

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